Mark Kleinschmidt, Ward 60 councillor
It is horrendous that during Child Protection Week (Monday May 29 to Monday June 5), we learned of the tragic accident on Tuesday May 30, involving the deaths of five innocent children en route to school.
Children are the most vulnerable members of our society.
There is much debate around the transportation of learners and stricter policies around learner transportation need to be implemented. The transportation of people in bakkies should be banned. Everyone is looking to make a fast buck, but this should not be at the expense of our children.
Our hearts and condolences go out to the affected families and school communities. This is a national tragedy.
Kahlil Gibran said about children: “Your children are not your children… they come through you but not from you.”
Children are born of biological parents, of course, yet we are each a child of the universe.
May their dearly beloved souls rest in peace.