Twelve gymnasts from Paradigm Sports Academy, based at Spine High Road School, in Rocklands, performed well at the weekend’s Cape Town Gymnastics Level 1-3 Women’s Artist Gymnastic (WAG) district trials, held at the Western Cape Sports School, winning gold, silver and bronze.
The youngsters aged between 8 and 14 years were tested on the beam, vault, bar and floor routines. All of them will now take part in the Western Cape Championships, in Saldanha, in June.
Training normally takes place at Spine Road High on Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 3pm to 6pm. However, due to renovations at the school, training currently takes place at Portia Primary School in Lansdowne, on Wednesdays and Town Centre Mitchell’s Plain, on Thursdays. Call Ruquiyah Pietersen on 083 234 1954 for more information.