Mitchell’s Plain pupils from 25 schools along the route of Caravalle and Lentegeur Taxi Association (CALTA) can apply for a transport subsidy.
In a letter dated February 13, chairman Nazeem Abdurahman called on principals not to rely on taxi services from outside of Mitchell’s Plain for charter or scholar services.
He said the introduction of a subsidy would ensure the safety of pupils, prevent overcrowded cars and ensure adults knew who children were travelling with.
Mr Abdurahman said the Caravelle, Lentegeur taxi route was “overtraded” and that there were illegal or private vehicles transporting pupils to and from school.
“These illegal vehicles are entering our taxi route 90 and are interfering with the daily operations of Calta,” he said.
Mr Abdurahman also invited passengers to compliment or complain about their service to the disciplinary committee, which convenes hearings with taxi door operator and drivers every Thursday. He said complaints could include members being rude, foul language or refusing to pick up passengers.
Disciplinary committee chairperson Nasreen Ely said those found guilty could face a penalty, be suspended, dismissed or blacklisted.
“There are people out there giving the taxi industry a bad name, and we need our passengers to know that they deserve better,” she said.
She said members of the association, who were bound by Calta’s constitution could not do as they pleased.
The association has liaised with Eastville Primary School, Darul Arqam Islamic and Spine Road high schools, Merrydale, Caradale, Wavecrest, Rocklands, Ridgeville, Caravelle, Hillside, Mitchell’s Plain, Woodville, Eisleben and Northwood primary schools, Cedar High School of the Arts, Mitchell’s Plain School of Skills, Parkhurst, Princeton, Glendale, Westridge, Woodlands, Lentegeur and Aloe high schools.
Parents can take their children to the Calta office at administrative block C, Mitchell’s Plain taxi interchange, Town Centre, Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm, to register for a subsidy.
The pupil will be issued a student card, which they can show when getting into a Calta taxi and pay R7 instead of R9.
Pupils can use the card during weekday peak hours and must be wearing school uniform.
Call Sadeeqa Abdurahman on 079 028 2248 or Nasir Ely on 060 352 5714, for more details.