Five years after the club closed due to a drop in membership, members of the First Rocklands Scout club got together again to relaunch the group at the Weltevreden Recreation Centre on Friday January 25.
In addition to hosting an awareness session, they also did a demonstration on outdoor cooking.
Ansley Spies, the Akela leader of the pack and pack scouter, said: “Scouting is the passport to adventure and outdoor life. We do many things to keep the children busy and educate them on outdoor life such as swimming, outdoor cooking and camping.”
Warren Pietersen, who has been associated with the First Rocklands Scouts for 20 years, said they were creating awareness to get the children and adults back again.
The club first opened in 1997.
Scouting clubs are open to boys, girls and adults of all religions. The First Rocklands Scouts will meet every Friday, from 5pm to 6.30pm at the Weltevreden Recreation Centre in Rocklands.
For more information, call Mr Pietersen at 021 448 2813 or 074 441 1300 or Ms Spies at 079 771 5910.