Solomon Philander, Mitchell’s Plain Community Health Centre (CHC) health committee member
Mitchell’s Plain CHC is staffed by people from all walks of life.
They are predominately a nurse-driven and doctor-supported 24-hour facility.
They also have a large team support staff which is inclusive of physiotherapists, radiographers, dietitians, and administrators, who all work towards serving the community of Mitchell’s Plain and realising the Department of Health’s goals.
In this uncertain time of the Covid-19 pandemic, the staff members are faced daily with anxiety and fear whilst putting their lives and that of those they love in harm’s way.
In our attempt to make our staff feel appreciated and validated, we are organising a staff appreciation event on Friday May 28.
This is our way of saying thank you for being unselfish, going the extra mile and living out the profession of bringing healing in a world that needs a sense of hope.
Therefore, we are approaching organisations to assist us in making any contribution towards this worthy cause.
It will be highly appreciated if you could give back to our health care workers.
To donate and for more information call me on 083 690 7772.