Searidge Fitness Club and Serve the Needy NPO Fitness are helping residents to stay fit. On Wednesday April 19, the seniors held their fitness class at the Thusong Centre, Tafelsig. Secretary of Searidge Fitness Club Sandra Timm said she works out to make herself feel good. Treasurer of Searidge Fitness Club Shirley Marks said staying fit is good for your health. “All ages are welcome to join us. Now that Ramadan has ended everyone will return again,” she said. Fitness instructor of Serve the Needy NPO Fitness club, Agnes Ganga, said: “People should keep fit every week. We need to look after ourselves as it is good for the heart and blood flow. Health is your wealth.” Searidge Fitness Club has fitness classes on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 10am to 11am. For more information, contact secretary, Sandra Timm on 084 948 4985.