The youth of 1976 stood up for their rights and paved the way for many South African youth today. Forty-two years later, there shouldn’t be any reasons to burn tyres or even (resort to) violence to access opportunities. Today, young people have access to a range of opportunities, said Ward 79 councillor Solomon Philander. On Saturday June 16, they showcased activities available in Eastridge, which forms part of Ward 79, at a Youth Day celebration held at the Eastridge community centre . “We held this event to keep children and youth off the streets,” said Mr Philander. At the event, he said, were the Littlewood Primary drummers, Sai Goju Karate club, Eastridge Gymnastics, spiritual dancers, Eastridge fitness club, Arisen Women and different netball clubs. “Youth challenges today are complex, yet we have many opportunities. Locally we have NPOs, churches and the community working with our youth. Our June 16 initiative calls on every part of the community working with youth to pool our resources to make an impact,” he said.