■ The City of Cape Town held a World Aids Day programme at the Town Centre on Friday December 1. Mayoral committee member for area south, Eddie Andrews said the aim of the event was to raise awareness about the HIV pandemic. “Last year, this day and the period leading up to World Aids Day had a serious focus on Zero-Zero discrimination and stigma, zero Aids related deaths and zero new infections. This year the theme is ‘Right to Know your status and prevention is my responsibility’. It’s a serious call to action,” he said. The City is encouraging every resident to know their HIV status by testing at least every 12 months and, if HIV positive, to take their Antiretroviral therapy (ART) consistently. HIV testing services are freely available at every City health facility, with ART at 38 of these facilities. Among the services offered are testing for HIV, TB screening and blood pressure and diabetes checks. Pictured is Mr Andrews with the staff of the Eastridge clinic.