Tygerberg Hospital is looking for the families and friends of three confused patient.
One of them, registered as Dennis Maxim from the Elsies River area was admitted on Thursday February 11. He can’t provide any details of relatives and friends.
Call Ms AM Olivari or Ms F Parker at 021 938 5684/ 416 or Jorita Williams at 021 938 5870/ 5869, if you can help.
A confused male patient from the Khayelitsha area, who was assaulted, was admitted to Tygerberg Hospital on Saturday March 19.
He is unable to provide contact details, names or addresses of family members relatives and friends. Anyone with information on the patient can call Nicolette Celento at 021 938 5684/ 4164 or Rachel Sass at 021 938 5382.
Tygerberg Hospital is trying to reach friends or relatives of a confused male patient, registered as Michael Ben Gain, from Bishop Lavis or Delft. Mr Gain was admitted on Sunday April 3. If you can help, call Ms AM Olivari or Ms F Parker whose numbers are published above.