The Mitchell’s Plain Comedy Festival takes place on Thursday December 15 at Spine Road High School hall in Rocklands, at 8pm.
It will feature Mel Jones, Kenwyn Davids, Kurt Schoonraad, Justin Ray and Lunga Tshuka who are from Mitchell’s Plain and Marc Lottering from Retreat.
Kenwyn said each comedian has a different style and personality, and will deliver a range of performances.
“That is what’s going to make our show absolutely amazing. We have talented comedians who have been in the business for a long time and know what’s topical and entertaining.
“Some of them will deliver content about their experiences, childhood, life in the ’Plain and even relationships,” he said.
Ten Plainsman readers stand a chance to each win a pair of tickets to the Mitchell’s Plain Comedy Festival. All you have to do to stand in line to win, is SMS PMComedy to 34445 before 10pm on Sunday December 4.
SMSescost R1.50 each and winners will be notified telephonically.