Wie Gaan Na My Kyk, which was staged at the Joseph Stone Auditorium last month by Tolla “Funny” Kaap Productions, a Mitchell’s Plain theatre company, was a great success, says director Magmoed Ganief.
He said the production will be staged in Port Elizabeth on Saturday May 20 to raise funds for a mosque in Gelvan Park. The theatre company will be putting on two plays in April, at the Country Manor, in Skaapskraal. On Saturday April 15, they will stage Wie Gaan Na My Kyk and on Saturday April 22, Wat Praat Jy Van Sabr. The show starts at 8pm and tickets cost R120 each. Contact Fahiema at info@countrymanor.co.za or 021 703 0091. Pictured, from left, is the cast of Wie Gaan Na My Kyk Amina Isaacs, Abdul-Aziz May, Rukshana Ganief, Abdul-Gamiet Ganief, Reighana Gamieldien and Mujahied Moos, with director Magmoed Ganief in front.