Andrew Koopman, coordinator of AK Snapshots Study Group
This is an open letter to President Cyril Ramaphosa. The story “Fee for use of school hall displaces study group”, (Plainsman, June 23) refers.
Dear Mr Ramaphosa
We trust you are well.
Chances that you will actually lay your eyes on this email are very slim if we go by the communication we have had with different departments and individuals.
It is a shame that we have to contact you with our issue.
We have learned that passing the buck is well exercised by most people copied in this (letter).
The buck stops by you Mr Ramaphosa.
This hot potato seems only to be touched by Cosatu but your officials down the line give lip service even to them.
Please don’t be surprised by our next move to get our base Searidge Park Primary, in Tafelsig, back.
This is our request. Please intervene to get our base back.
No amount of motivation has helped us so far.
You have officials that may see our communication with the line of command.
We are not proud of them.
We trust that in the interest of our poor pupils you will respond to our request.
Bronagh Hammond, director of communications for the Western Cape Education Department, responds:
The WCED and the school governing body (SGB) have had several engagements with Mr Koopman.
The current directions, as issued by the Department of Basic Education (DBE), do not allow for such activity on school grounds.
The school is therefore following the protocol.
However, regardless of the directions, the SGB has decided, which is their right to do so, to not allow for the programme to continue on their premises, especially in the current environment.
They have advised Mr Koopman to seek alternative accommodation.
Mr Koopman is therefore encouraged to find an alternative site.