Twenty Mitchell’s Plain matric pupils attended a workshop facilitated by the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) on Friday July 15, at the Sub-council chambers in Lentegeur. NYDA was established in 2008 to address youth development issues at national, provincial and local government level.The workshop was organised by ward councillor Eddie Andrews and were specifically for young people who live in Ward 78, which includes Beacon Valley (south-east of Morgenster Street, east of AZ Berman Drive, north of Trampoline Street and west of Alpine Street), Mitchells Plain CBD, Portland, Rocklands, Westgate and Westridge. The NDYA’s Zubayda January-Roberts helped the young people with their applications to tertiary institutions. Mr Andrews highlighted that one in every four people were unemployed but that statistics may not be accurate as they did not include those qualified and seeking employment. He added that young people must access opportunities to educate themselves and become more employable.