A Women’s Month event was held at the Mitchell’s Plain Indoor Sport and Recreation Centre in Portland to raise funds for Joy Special Needs Educare Centre in Tafelsig on August 10.
Fund-raising organiser, Marina Speckman, said the educare centre is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year.
Social worker, Letiticia Carelse, who was the guest speaker, said every year we have to remember, that it was ordinary women who took part in the march to the Union Buildings in Pretoria on August 9 1956 to protest against aparthedid’s pass laws.
“It was ordinary women who took to the streets, in the same way us as ordinary women can and already are taking to the streets as part of neighbourhood watches, walking bus projects and soup kitchens to effect change in our communities.”
She said while the challenges in 2019 are different there are still many burdens for women to bear.
“Challenges women face include health, being soft targets for abuse, financial freedom, struggling with children addicted to substances and the list continues. For me a big challenge is feeling safe – safe when I walk in my community, safe when I drive and safe to have an opinion of my experience of the world. As women we are constantly giving of ourselves so also remember in your story to take some time out to press your refresh and self-care button. Let us continue to take on the fighting spirit of the women in 1956 and fight the challenges faced today. Their stories, have given us the power to know we can, we should and we most likely will.”