Strandfontein Diabetic Support group will be meeting at the community hall, in Cruiser Street, tomorrow, Thursday April 25 from 8.30am until noon. They will be doing free blood pressure checks, glucose level testing and distributing information about diabetes. There will also be a presentation by the group’s resident doctor Kumerin Malapermala. For more information, contact Rene at 071 434 9475 or Veronica at 021 393 2562.
SA Entertainment in association with artist Craiig’O will be hosting a show called The Master Plain at Las Vegas Lounge, Westridge, tomorrow Thursday April 25, at 8pm. Tickets are R40 pre-sold and R50 at the door. For more information, call Lesley Johnson at 065 305 5292.
Annual eat ‘n treat
Madrasa tul Maymoenah will be having their annual eat ‘* treat at the Mitchell’s Plain Indoor Sport and Recreation Centre, in Portland, corner of Hazeldene and Merrydale Streets, on Sunday April 28 at 1.30pm. Tickets cost R140. Visit Mualiem Ismaeel Brown or Mualiema Ayshah Brown at 30 Austin Crescent in Beacon Valley or call 084 289 3600 or 074 556 1537.
Mitchell’s Plain Network Opposing Abuse will be having a fund-raising breakfast at Beaconvale Community Frail Care Centre, corner of Rambler and Pontiac streets, Beacon Valley, on Tuesday April 30 at 11am. Tickets cost R60. The dress code is smart denim. Call Techiah September on 021 376 0445.
Charity bonanza
The Karoo Animal Protection Society (KAPS) will be holding their monthly charity bonanza on Saturday April 27 at 7 Moorland Crescent, extension of Keyser River Drive, corner of Medicross and BP garage, Tokai, from 9.15am to 11.30am. All clothing will be half price. There will also be books, fresh honey, CDs, linen, shoes, household appliances, jewellery, glassware, suitcases, pictures and frames on sale. For more information, call Lynne at 021 794 5387.
World Qigong Day
The 2019 South African WorldTaichi and Qigong Day event will be held at the Hellenic Community Centre, Bay Road, Mouille on Saturday April 27, from 9am to 1pm. Entry is free. For more information, call Martina Hellweg at 072 990 6251 or
Take a hike
Peninsula Ramblers are hiking
the Silvertree trail on Saturday
April 27. Meet at Cecilia Forest carpark at 1pm or contact Urs at 084 713 5545.