Few people are attending the ward-based community meetings, instituted by Mayor Dan Plato.
The idea was for residents to raise their concerns at these public meetings, which the mayor would chair with the ward councillor.
Only two people had pitched up for a meeting with Goawa Timm, councillor for Ward 75, on Thursday August 22 at Lobelia community hall, in Lentegeur.
In contrast, Ward 81 councillor Danny Christians spoke to about 20 people at Rocklands civic centre, on Thursday August 29, about the proposed developments in Rocklands and parts of Portland.
The meetings are planned and facilitated by the City’s public participation unit, who are suppose to ensure that residents are notified of it and the venue set up with a sound system and projector to best inform them of available municipal services.
The meetings form part of Mr Plato’s initiative to ensure residents and councillors continue to have an open platform of engagement to make sure the best possible service is delivered.
Community meetings are due to be held in all 116 wards within the next two months, to give residents an opportunity to discuss any concerns, requests or ideas with their local councillor.
Mr Christians thanked the few people present for attending and said that there were seven seats available on his ward committee. “If you have a desire to make a change in our ward then please step forward.”
He said the 2019/2020 budget would be used to enclose Makou park, which should be a multi-purpose court, including a netball pitch, basketball, soccer and play equipment.
Mr Christians said the wards of Wolfgat Sub-council collectively had R4 million from the Mayor’s Urban Regeneration Programme (MURP), which would be used to secure the services of 15 auxiliary safety officers, upgrade rental stock, upgrade lighting at Kapteinsklip and tidy up Mnandi Beach and the look out hill in Rocklands.
There will also be additional upgrading of parks.
Mr Christians had invited representatives from the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) to discuss why it stopped paying out grants in the area.
Mathathela Zeblon Nyawose, acting office manager for SASSA’s Mitchell’s Plain office, said it was because of staff feeling unsafe.
He asked for neighbourhood watch and community police forum members (CPF), Metro police and SAPS officials to help out.
Mr Nyawose said they would meet in the next two weeks and provide the community with feedback on possibly resuming their services in the area.
Elton Jansen, councillor for Ward 43 (Strandfontein and parts of Phillipi), will be meeting with residents at Strandfontein community hall, in Cruiser Street, today, Wednesday September 4, at 7pm. For more information, call Mr Jansen on 021 444 8721, 062 591 7840 or email EltonEnrique.Jansen@capetown.gov.za
Solomon Philander, councillor for Ward 79 (Beacon Valley, Eastridge, Town Centre and parts of Portland), will be meeting with residents at Beacon Valley community centre, corner of Trampoline and Alpine Streets, tomorrow, Thursday September 5, at 7pm. For more information, call Mr Philander on 083 690 7772.
Michael Pat Pietersen, councillor for Ward 116 (Montrose Park, Ikwezi Park, Bongani and parts of Beacon Valley), will be meeting residents at Mandalay community hall, in Bluedowns Road, on Tuesday September 10, at 7pm. For more information, call him on 021 400 3323, 072 230 5557 or email Michael.pietersen@capetown.gov.za.
Joan Woodman, councillor for Ward 75 (Colarado Park, Westgate, Woodlands and New Woodlands) , will be meeting residents at Northwood community hall, Hans Aschenborn Street, New Woodlands, on Wednesday September 11. Call 081 595 7484.