While answering some concerns, mayor Dan Plato is yet to get back to the community on other issues raised at a meeting on service delivery at Westridge civic centre on Tuesday February 12.
Fadiel Adams, a member of the G@tvol Capetonians raised the issue of children’s safety in schools. “Please let us know what will be done about violence in our schools. Is there any plan on the City’s part to keep our pupils and teachers safe. Neighbourhood watches can only do so much,” he said.
Sulyman Stellenboom, a community activist, raised his concerns on the water management devices “which we call weapons of mass destruction.”Â
He also raised issues on his rising water bill. He also pleaded with Mr Plato to speak to his councillors so that they can work together as he has a safety plan.
Mr Plato encouraged residents to contact their call centre to query water issues.
Sean Achim, the chairperson of the Plein Chamber, said Mitchell’s Plain is a city within in city and is 84 square kilometres with several suburbs.Â
“We should empower Mitchell’s Plain to invest. If we combine Mitchell’s Plain and Khayelitsha’s economy we are the second largest contributor to the Western Cape economy, second to the Winelands outside of Cape Town. Within Cape Town we are only second to Tygerberg – that’s how big our city really is,” he said.
He also raised how internet access remains an issue for this community.
“We can’t compete with service delivery out of Mitchell’s Plain and we can’t rely on internet access in Mitchell’s Plain,” he
He said the minstrels should be brought back to Mitchell’s Plain and a theatre established. “Some of the best entertainers and performers come from Mitchell’s Plain. Can we be taken seriously?”
Another concern raised was that block watches don’t seem to get the same recognition and resources as neighbourhood watches.
“What the block watches do goes unnoticed, said Bonita Wood, chairperson of the Westridge Merino Block Watch.
Mr Plato said he will have a discussion with ward councillors and community workers on the homeless in the area
“With regards to housing, there is a waiting list and no councillor has an influence on allocation of houses,” said Mr Plato.
Another issue raised was that of hygiene and service delivery in the Town Centre – a discussion Mr Plato will continue with Solomon Philander, Ward 79 councillor, which includes the Town Centre.
He said the City has budgeted an additional R115 million towards cleaning up the city and will soon launch its Clean-Up campaign to mobilise communities to assist in keeping their areas clean and tidy. The additional allocation will also address illegal dumping, said Mr Plato.
“Building an athletics track will not happen immediately, no promises. It will take time to find a budget. Let’s work toward this,” he said.
Riyaas Pillay, a member of the G@tvol Capetonians youth league, said the youth need to be involved. “I refuse to vote for a political party, promises are made and nothing is done within our community,” he said.