Annsley Spies, Woodlands
The Plainsman is a priceless possession to me.
It connects the unconnected, like people you lost contact with.
Reading the Plainsman enhances my English vocabulary since Afrikaans is my first language.
Your articles are very good conversation-starters and what I like most about the Plainsman is that the news is current and makes people pay attention.
It is also a good platform for advertising.
If you want to know what’s new, read the Plainsman.
I feel inspired by stories of people’s achievements, it encourages me to better myself, my life and that of others.
Thanks for all the positive reports in the Plainsman of our students’ and achievements of some members of our community.
It makes me feel very proud to say I’m a resident of Mitchell’s Plain. I am proudly Mitchell’s Plain.
I look forward to my free Plainsman every week.