Bashee Park in Bashee Close, Portland, has been given a R45 000 make-over and while it has not been officially reopened, residents are enjoying the spruced-up space.
The Plainsman reported in March that the park was in a serious need of an upgrade as neighbours complained that it was dirty, used as a spot to consume alcohol and not fit for children to play in (“Park woes unpacked”, Plainsman, March 12).
Resident Debbie Willis said she is happy with the new park and thanked the City council.
“The children and the educare in Bashee Close thoroughly enjoy playing in the park. The park is almost sand-free,” she said.
Another resident Shafiek Hendricks said they appreciate the setting of the new park but a bin and a merry-go-round would be appreciated.
He said they are taking care of the park, picking up the papers and keeping it clean.
Kevin Willis said the new park has attracted children and their parents.
“They sit in the park and have fun with each other. Hearing the laughter of the children is great,” he said.
Ward 78 councillor, Eddie Andrews said he would engage with the City of Cape Town’s solid waste department to supply a green bin in the park for the dirt.