When one hears words like “hope”, “courage”, “brave”, “heroes”, there is a good chance that a firefighter comes to mind.
After all, these are the men and women who often risk their lives and push their bodies to limits to save lives.
The Sunflower Fund this year anchored its annual Sunflower Day campaign on the theme of HopeTags, which are positive labels that unite and define the patients, donors and ordinary men and women who choose to do something life changing for a fellow human.
These hope tags are: Brave, Strong, Confident, Courageous, Selfless and Optimistic.
Almost as though it was scripted that way, the message behind this year’s Sunflower Day campaign was a perfect fit when the Cape Town Fire Services informed The Sunflower Fund that they were selected as the charity partner this year.
“In order to provide support to and highlight the good work that is being carried out by The Sunflower Fund, our service has converted one of our vehicles,” said Ian Schnetler, Chief Fire Officer of City of Cape Town’s Fire and Rescue Services.
“This vehicle is a symbol of hope to those that are diagnosed with blood cancer like leukaemia and other blood diseases, and is primarily available in support of the various awareness campaigns to highlight the needs of patients with blood diseases and the need for more blood stem cell donors,” Mr Schnetler continued.
Unveiled on World Marrow Donor Day, at the Toughest Firefighter Alive in South Africa challenge, on Saturday September 21, “Hope” is a bright pink fire engine. The colour is in line with the #hopetag Courageous, which is nothing short of accurate when thinking of the many donors who like firefighters commit themselves to saving lives.
“We are honoured to partner with the Fire and Rescue Service and to have the privilege of literally taking hope around the city as we raise awareness about the need for blood stem cell donors,” said Alana James, chief executive officer of The Sunflower Fund.
Stem cell donors are selfless individuals who commit themselves to helping anyone for whom they might be a life-saving match.
The show of bravery, strength and confidence of the 100 firefighters at the competition this year, was amplified by the response of those who registered as donors on the day too.
The fund is calling on men and women between the ages of 18 and 45 years weighing more than 50kg and with a BMI (body mass index) of less than 40 to register as stem cell donors. You could be the life-saving match a patient is waiting on.
Hope will soon leave her “home” at the Roeland Street Fire Station to visit schools and organisations in various communities to spread awareness and education.
To arrange a visit and demonstration, contact the fund on 0800 12 10 82 or info@sunflowerfund.org.