Strandfontein residents have raised concerns about safety in the area after serious incidents of crime including stabbing, shooting and business robbery in recent weeks.
Sub-council 17 chairperson Elton Jansen said he had met on Thursday February 15 with the Strandfontein police station commander, Captain Raymond Solomon, and community police forum (CPF) chairperson, Sandy Schuter, to get an update on crime prevention measures for the area.
Ms Schuter warned that residents in the area have created social media groups where those involved in crime have access to information.
“It is a safety risk with the WhatsApp groups. Residents are also reporting crime in these groups but they should report it straight to police. Third party reaction delays response time from police,” she said.
People should take caution when posting crime on social media, she said.
Ms Schuter also encouraged residents to join the safety structures and assist with combating crime.
“The Strandfontein CPF executive and SAPS will do our level best to assist in establishing either a street committee or block watch. You’re welcome to join the Strandfontein neighbourhood watch or be put in touch with an existing patrol group in close proximity to your place of residence,” she said.
Strandfontein police station commander, Captain Raymond Solomon said they are stepping up daily operations to stop crime in Strandfontein.
“We’ve been doing stop and search operations, patrols as well as intelligence-driven operations such as drug house and hotspots to stop crime. We’re in partnership with the Metro Police, Law Enforcement and safety structures to help us in the Strandfontein area with combating crime,” he said.
Collectively they are working with the City’s Metro and Law Enforcement to conduct regular operations in the Strandfontein area, said Mr Jansen.
A lot of intelligence gathering and detective work have been done in an attempt to bring criminals to book.
“Unfortunately due to the nature of these cases they cannot always divulge on public platforms what behind-the-scenes work is being done in order not to jeopardise their cases,” he said.
“I want to take the time to thank all the active neighbourhood watches and block watches for actively patrolling and working with SAPS and the CPF to prevent and fight crime collectively,” said Mr Jansen.
“We need to claim our community back and we can only do it collectively. When you see something, alert us so that we can have it investigated, monitored and followed up,” he said.
He thanked residents who are reporting street lights that are not working and forwarding reference numbers to him to follow up with the electricity department. “We’re engaging the electricity department on a daily basis to get our lights working as dark areas are a contributor to crime,” said Mr Jansen.
For more information contact Strandfontein CPF chairperson, Sandy Schuter on 071 947 8294. Residents are urged to report crime when it happens by phoning 10111 or City of Cape Town Emergency Services on 021 480 7700.