A husband and wife with a heart for the young people of Cape Town, are making a difference in their community by bringing people together to learn from one another and to get to know God.
Founder Winston Arries, and co-founder and chairperson Helga Arries, of the Portland-based organisation, launched Chosen Youth last year and officially registered it this year. It is a Christian-based organisation where they focus on the well-being and needs of young people in the community. “We would like to engage with young people on their level,” said Mr Arries who is a teacher at Beacon View Primary School in Beacon Valley. He teaches Grade 6, focusing on mathematics, geography and history, having started his career as a teacher in 2005.
“I see what the daily struggle of a child is at school and I try to help where I can, as much as I can. They need to know that someone is there to care for them and help them,” said Mr Arries.
The organisation organises camps, edutainment, hiking, performing and creative arts, sport, visual art, graffiti, indigenous games and tutoring programmes, said Ms Arries.
They have also implemented sport for disabled people and have the necessary people involved to help and make it fun.
“We want to enhance what’s already there and have the young people tap into their strengths and talents,” said Mr Arries.
On the team are secretary Wade Philander, treasurer Reagan Rooi, and the Arries’ daughter, Emma-Jane Arries, who is a trustee. They all live in Portland.
“I just want to encourage the youth as I believe there is hope for them for a better future. I help the young people where I can and focus on computer skills, literacy and basic skills for them to use when they need it,” said Ms Arries.
They will be launching their organisation on Youth Day, Saturday June 16. The venue is to be confirmed. If you would like to assist, you can contact the organisation via Facebook or chosenyouth01@gmail.com
“We are appealing to the young people as well to help volunteer at our organisation. The volunteer sign-up form is online via Facebook,” said Mr Arries.