A Mitchell’s Plain police officer who was charged with rape, shot and killed himself at his home in Stallion Way, Westridge, around 2pm on Thursday September 1.
Police spokesman Captain Ian Williams said a charge of rape had been laid against Constable Ashley Haywood, 27, on the same day and was currently under investigation.
No further details were available at the time this edition went to print.
* Also on Thursday September 1, police arrested four men, aged 46, 40, 21 and 24, in Kennetjie Street, Beacon Valley, for being in possession of six packets of heroin with a street value of approximately R23 000.
Police had been conducting a crime prevention operation around 8.20pm when they searched the house and found the drugs. The men face a charge of possession of drugs and are expected to soon appear in Mitchell’s Plain court.
Captain Williams said anyone who needs help with drug addiction can contact South African National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (SANCA) on 086 147 2622.
“Drug and alcohol addiction fuels crime such as domestic violence, assault, theft and robbery as addicts are often desperate for money to support their habit. Persons found in possession of illegal substances such as dagga will be criminally prosecuted,” he said.
* Six people were arrested for drug-related offences in in Hyde Park, Tafelsig, on Friday September 2 during a police operation, which ran from 4am until noon.
Eleven homes were searched, 20 people were stopped and searched and six people arrested for drug-related offences. A total of of R38 562.60 was seized at a suspected drug house.
* A 17-year-old was arrested for possession of a black Glock 36 Astra with two .45 magazines and nine .45 live rounds of ammunition in Ironwood Close in Eastridge on Tuesday August 30, at 5pm.
Captain Williams urged people to properly store their legal firearms.
“Please ensure that your firearm is stored in a safe. Ensure that the key is kept in safe storage or that your code is kept secret. Keep firearms away from children; teach children that a firearm is not a toy. Report any loss immediately,” he said.
Mitchell’s Plain station commander Brigadier Cass Goolam said police would continue to tirelessly clamp down on crime in the area and urged residents to join community structures and to contact their respective sector commanders with information about crime.