William Simmers, project co-ordinator for Mitchell’s Plain Community Advice and Development Project
The Mitchell’s Plain Community Advice and Development Project (MPCADP) has experienced a shocking increase in the number of parents and grandparents feeling hopeless and at their wits’ end who are seeking help with the abuse they are experiencing at the hands of their children and or grandchildren.
It saddens us to see mothers and fathers of all ages break down and cry. Grandparents must now provide for their grandchildren, they are being held hostage for their pensions.
Our vulnerable people are sent from pillar to post by government departments who do not seem to have a clue how to solve the social ills that are systematically killing our communities.
Unemployment, a lack of housing and parenting skills, and substance abuse are the biggest contributors to the social ills in communities like Mitchell’s Plain.
Our future looks bleak because the cycle seems to be never-ending.
The poor are killing the poor and those that prey on our weaknesses are getting richer.
What is the likelihood of our children having a prosperous future?
We therefore encourage all stakeholders, including you and me, to take a stand and make the changes we so desperately need and cry for every day.
Religious institutions should play a more proactive role by addressing the issues within the communities.
Government departments should avail themselves to listen and provide resources to fight our plight.
Non-government organisations and community-based organisations should pool resources to assist the community.
In the words of an unknown source: “I would not change my children for the world, but I wish I can change the world for my children.”
It is for this reason that the advice office will be hosting a stakeholders meeting about family violence at the Tafelsig library hall on Friday February 22, at 10.30am.
We need to cure the social ills and not treat the symptoms.
For more information, call us on 021 392 2000, fax 021 392 2887 or email mitchellsplainadv@telkomsa.net