Amy Segers, Portland
I really try to do a lot in our community with no help from our ward councillor, Eddie Andrews.
In 2015 I asked him for park equipment for children in the community because there is really nothing for our children to do.
He just got people’s votes in our community and until today Mr Andrews did nothing for us.
I wasted all of my time, energy and money to call Mr Andrews so he could hear my cry for help – to save our kids, getting them off the streets and prevent them from doing naughty things.
Eddie Andrews responds:
There has been a good working relationship with Ms Segers and Portland residents in that vicinity.
The ward is divided into four sectors, namely Westridge 1, Westridge 2 (which includes The Westridge), Portland and Westgate.
Each area has a priority list for ward projects requested.
For example, the Portland list had quite a few requests, prior to the request received from Ms Segers.
One sector is considered annually, where depending on costing, so therefore a total of two parks could be considered in any given financial year.
At a meeting convened in 2015, this was reiterated and it is important to note that Portland was in the budget that year where a park elsewhere in Portland was considered as per the sector priority list.
Since then, Westridge, and Westgate were the sectors considered. The park would next be considered when Portland is next on the roster.
As the ward councillor I have already assisted the community with securing funds to close the wall in St Helena Way and also allocated gardening equipment to the team for the said park to assist with the upkeep.
I am aware residents will not always understand the processes outlined at public meetings and respectively request that they have to be mindful that there is an entire ward to be looked after.