<span class="leadin-text"></span><figure class="article-body-image-wrapper crop-portrait"><img src="https://imengine.public.prod.inl.infomaker.io/?uuid=e0e2f273-b69c-5d6f-be9a-c6f6a73d477e&function=cropresize&type=preview&source=false&q=75&crop_w=0.99999&crop_h=0.99999&width=1555&height=2073&x=1&y=1" alt="" style="width:100%"><figcaption>Mark Jeneker Foundation volunteers. Pictured at the back from left are Mishka Cupido, Jordan Abrahams, Bilqies du Plessis, Elroy Macklaglen and Chadwin August. In front are Carol Jeneker and her husband Mark. They hosted a holiday creative and original artworks programme at Mitchell’s Plain Town Centre Library. On Friday January 13 they hosted an exhibition and celebrated the talent from the children they taught to sketch, paint and draw.</figcaption></figure>