cap 1: Joey Siziwa took his son, Gael, 3, for a ride on his bike at Open Streets.
cap 2: Busker David King plays some tunes on his guitar.
cap 3: Sam Govender, 3 with his dad, Previn.
cap 4: DJ Invisable entertains the crowd with his electric guitar.
cap 5: Justin Wessels from Athlone, Nina Hearne from Table View and Demi-Lin Tito, also from Athlone.
cap 6: Unathi Mpalo and her daughter Libolethu, 4, from Mitchell’s Plain enjoying a girls day out.
cap 7: Lihle Zihlewele, 8, from Durbanville, looking pretty in pink with her matching bicycle.
cap 8: Reclaim the City activists Elaine Diedericks with Zia Kiewiets,3, on her lap, Mareldia Cupido, Belinda Diedericks and Mariam Minnies, all from Woodstock.
cap 9:
cap 10: Grey Abrahams and Amy Grassouw from Claremont stop for some refreshments.
cap 11: Niadi Quay Everette, Maya Church, Mary Grace Beard, Talia Parker and Bridget Hoke.